
This package adds some fields that are specific to PostgreSQL.



class anyblok_postgres.column.Jsonb(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL JSONB column

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb

class Test:

    x = Jsonb()


class anyblok_postgres.column.LargeObject(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL JSONB column

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations
from anyblok_postgres.column import LargeObject

class Test:

    x = LargeObject()


test = Test.insert()
test.x = hugefile
test.x  # get the huge file

alias of sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.OID


Return a default getter for the field

Parameters:fieldname – name of the field


Since version 9.2, PostgreSQL supports a flexible range types system, with a few predefined ones, that can be used within AnyBlok.

See also

Range Types in PostgreSQL documentation

class anyblok_postgres.column.Int4Range(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL int4range column.

Example usage, with this declaration:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb

class Test:

    col = Int4Range()

one can perfom these:

Test.query().filter(Test.col.contains([5, 6))
class anyblok_postgres.column.Int8Range(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL int8range column.

Usage is similar to see Int4Range. See also

Caveat (at least with psycopg2):

In containment queries, passing integers that are within PostgreSQL’s regular ‘integer’ type doesn’t work because it lacks the ::bigint cast. One workaround is to pass it as an inclusive 0 length range in string form such as:

Test.query(Test.col.contains('[1, 1]')
class anyblok_postgres.column.NumRange(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL numrange column.

Usage is similar to see Int4Range, with decimal.Decimal instances instead of integers.

Caveat (at least with psycopg2):

In containment queries, passing values that are integers or Decimal instances equal to integers, such as Decimal('1') doesn’t work because they end up as litteral SQL integers, without the ::numeric cast.

One workaround is to pass them as inclusive 0 length ranges in string representation, such as:

Test.query(Test.col.contains('[1, 1]')
class anyblok_postgres.column.DateRange(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL daterange column.

This range column can be used with Python date instances.

Example usage, with this declaration:

from anyblok.declarations import Declarations
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb

class Test:

    col = DateRange()

one can perform these:

Test.insert(col="['2001-03-12', '2002-01-01']")
Test.insert(col="['2018-01-01', '2019-01-01')")
Test.query().filter(Test.col.contains(date(2001, 4, 7)))
Test.query().filter(Test.col.contains("['2018-02-01', '2018-03-01']")
class anyblok_postgres.column.TsRange(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL tsrange column (timestamps without time zones).

This range column can be used with “naive” Python datetime instances. Apart from that, usage is similar to DateRange

class anyblok_postgres.column.TsTzRange(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: anyblok.column.Column

PostgreSQL tstzrange column (timestamps with time zones).

See also

This range column can be used with “non-naive” (i.e., with explicit tzinfo) Python datetime`instances. Apart from taht, usage is similar to :class:`DateRange